In Northern Macedonia life is beautiful. It could be even more beautiful if people would have a little of conscience regarding the nature, environment, and care for the animals. I’d like to send appraise to those who are the exception, which are too little.
Most animals here, especially dogs suffer a lot (because they don’t bring them extraordinary benefits, they can’t like the Chinese cook them and eat them, make meat from them, because they don’t hunt for rats, because they don’t tow trees…). The dogs live in miserable conditions on a tight leash and cheap white bread, they’re full of flies and ticks, without veterinary help, not until they die on the shorth leash. Some would prefer to pay from 200 to 500 euros for a breed dog, while leave the mixed breed dog on the landfill, beside or often inside the garbage disposal containers for it to die. More often these are baby dogs and cats. Many continue without shame and guilt to buy poisons for dogs and put it in the food in which the animals eat.

Here people don’t understand that sterilization today is necessary for the number of dogs to reduce and so help themself and other lessen the burden.
I have fought many conservatorship fights with the owners of the dogs that give birth each year while the newborns are “adopted” in some mysterious way somewhere, about free (mine) sterilizations rather than saving the abandoned newbors
Not all are such, but many!!
They don’t understand that God made them with spirit just like ours (reason is another subject), that God left them to the men for him to take care of them, not to regard them as trash. Something that God made, isn’t garbage but a masterpiece… anything in nature.
But, regrettably, this is not the case just in Northern Macedonia, but in most of our acts on our planet.
“…people will be ruthless, without conscience, without love for the good… love will be cold for many…”
The Bible
That’s why innocent people, but also animals Suffer.